ROSELLE – Roman forum

Architectural terracotta

1) Fragm. of plaque (first half 1st c. A.D.)

Impasto pottery

2) Fragm. of jug (1st c. B.C.)

3) Loom weights (6th– 4th c. B.C.)

4) Mortars (2nd -3rd c. A.D.)

5) Amphora neck (half 1st c. B.C. end 1st c. A.D.)

6) Chimney (1st c. B.C. – 4th c. A.D.)

7) Thin-walled drinking cups and small pots (ollae) (1st– 2nd c. B.C.)

8) Cinerary olla with a lid (1st c. B.C. – 1stc. A.D.)

9) Volute oil lamp (1st c. A.D.)

10) Oil lamp shaped as grotesque mask (mid 1st– 2nd c. A.D.)

11) Volute oil lamps with golden disk (1st c. A.D.)

12) Inkwell (2nd c. A.D.)

13) Handle from a stamped amphora with seal: FUNDI PERSEIANI

(end 2nd beginning 3rd c. A.D.)

14) Oil lamps of the Firmalampe type (1stt c. A.D.)

Sigillata (red-slip ware)

15) Plates and cups of Italic sigillata (end 1st c. B.C. – beginning 2nd c. A.D.)

16) Fragm. of late italic pottery cup (1st– 2nd c. A.D.)

Lead-glazed pottery

17) Cup (first half 1st c. A.D.)


18) Ointment jar (first half 2nd c. A.D.)

Millefiori glass

19) Fragm. of cup (end 1st c. B.C. – mid 1st c. A.D.)


20) Piece from horse trappings (1st c. A.D.)

ROSELLE – Domus of the mosaics

Sigillata (red-slip ware)

21) African sigillata bowls (end 2nd– first half 3rd c. A.D.)

22) Fragm. of Italic sigillata dish (end 1st c. B.C. – beginning 1st c. A.D.)

Impasto pottery

23) Incense burner and cup (1st -3rd c. A.D.)

24) Oil lamps of the Firmalampe type and shaped as a human mask

(mid 2nd c.- 3rd c. A.D.)

25) Thin-walled small cup (end first c. B.C. – mid 1st c. A.D.)

26) Decoration from a pediment (2nd c. B.C.)


27) Fragm. of dish and window glass (end 1st c. B.C.)


28) Hinge for window fixtures (1st– 4th c. A.D.)

29) Decorative pieces shaped as head of a bull and of Medusas.

30) Top part of candelabrum

(end 1st c. B.C. – mid 1st c. A.D.)

31) Votive small bases (1st c. B.C.- mid 1st c. A.D.)


32) Key (end 1st c. B.C. – mid 1st c. A.D.)


33) Cap (end 1st c. B.C. – mid 1st c. A.D.)