Room 11 – Out 2
museoMAAM2023-08-19T14:58:53+02:00ROSELLE – Roman Forum (first half 1st c. A.D.) Luni marble Fragment of a statue with dedicatory inscription
ROSELLE – Roman Forum (first half 1st c. A.D.) Luni marble Fragment of a statue with dedicatory inscription
ROSELLE – Roman Forum (second half 1st - 2nd c. A.D.) Reconstructive scale model of the Roman Forum in Roselle (scale 1:100) Scale model created by Studio Romatre, Rome
ROSELLE – Roman Forum- Small temple (1st c. A.D.) Luni marble Fragment of a statue in heroic nudity with spread wings eagle
ROSELLE – Roman Forum– Bassi Basilica, by the entrance of the building Luni marble Male portrait statue (1st c. A.D. - reused in the 4th c. A.D.)
ROSELLE – Roman forum – Bassi Basilica, nearby the building threshold Luni marble Female portrait statue (Agrippina the younger?) (1st c. A.D. - reused in the 4th c. A.D.)
ROSELLE – Roman Forum– Bassi Basilica Luni marble Lower part of draped female statue (1st c. A.D. - reused in the 4th c. A.D.)
ROSELLE – Roman Forum – Bassi Basilica Marble Statue of a male figure wearing a toga (imperial portrait?) with an inscription on the base giving the name BASSUS (1st c. A.D. - reused in the [...]
ROSELLE – Roman Forum – Bassi Basilica Marble Statue of a boy posing as an emperor or as enthroned Jupiter, with an inscription on the base (left in Roselle) giving his name and degree of [...]
ROSELLE – Roman Forum – Bassi Basilica Marble Headless statue of male figure wearing a toga reshaped as a female figure. An inscription on the base gives her name and degree of kinship to the [...]
ROSELLE – Roman Forum –Bassi Basilica Marble Headless statue of a male figure wearing a toga, with inscription on the base giving his name: MAXIMUS (1st c. A.D. - reused in the 4th c. A.D.)