Room 11 – Portrait Head7
museoMAAM2023-08-18T17:53:24+02:00ROSELLE – Roman Forum –Bassi Basilica Nearby the building threshold Luni marble Male portrait head (1st c. A.D. - reused in the 4th c. A.D.)
ROSELLE – Roman Forum –Bassi Basilica Nearby the building threshold Luni marble Male portrait head (1st c. A.D. - reused in the 4th c. A.D.)
ROSELLE – Roman Forum –Bassi Basilica Luni marble Lower part of a statue representing a male figure wearing a toga, with an inscription on the base giving his name and degree of kinship to the [...]
ROSELLE – Roman Forum – Domus of the Mosaics (About 20 A.D.) Luni marble Portrait head of Drusus the Younger
ROSELLE – Southern Hill – Domus of the Mosaics (About 40 - 50 A.D.) Marble Portrait head of Agrippina the Elder
ROSELLE – Southern Hill – Domus of the Mosaics (about 20 A.D.) Luni marble Portrait head of Emperor Tiberius
ROSELLE – Roman Forum – Basilica (first half 1st c. A.D.) Marble Female portrait head
ROSELLE – Roman Forum – Basilica (first half 1st c. A.D.) Marble Male portrait head
TRANSPORT CONTAINERS ROSELLE The amphorae on display come from different spots within the urban area of Roselle. Some of them (no. 3, 4, 7) were found under the Forum pavement, reused as a filling, especially [...]
ROSELLE – Unknown finding spot Terracotta 1) Architectural plaque (sima) depicting a dancing maenad (1st c. A.D.) 2) Antefix depicting a satyr and dolphins (beginning 1st c. A.D.) 3) Antefix depicting a siren (end 1st [...]
ROSELLE – Roman forum Architectural terracotta 1) Fragm. of plaque (first half 1st c. A.D.) Impasto pottery 2) Fragm. of jug (1st c. B.C.) 3) Loom weights (6th- 4th c. B.C.) 4) Mortars (2nd -3rd [...]