1) ROSELLE – Roman forum

(about 150 – 250 A.D.

Dedication to Janus

This inscription is ex voto to Janus placed by two haruspices, L. Titinius Vitalis and L. Titinius Pelagianus, father and son. The Rosellan citizenship of the two figures is demonstrated by the mention of the tribus Arnensis, electoral district of Roselle

2) ROSELLE – Roman forum

(about 150 – 250 A.D.)

Fragment of an inscription

What is left gives some elements of the political career of an important unknown personality who reached the rank of consul in Rome

3) ROSELLE – Roman forum – Domus of the Mosaics

(mid 2nd – beginning 3rd c. A.D.)

Inscription concerning a public work

The slab commemorates three personalities, all freedmen, who had built or restored a market (macellum)

4) ROSELLE – Roman forum – Domus of the Mosaics

(Central decades 1st c. A.D.)

Inscription concerning a public work

Two freedmen are commemorated as curatores of a public work, perhaps the domus itself which was transformed into a public thermal bath.


(First half 1st c. A.D.)

Fragm. of public inscription

This fragment shows the same text as no. 6. The two texts perhaps refer to the same public work built or restored by the personality mentioned.

8) ROSELLE – Slopes of the Northern Hill

(about 150 – 300 A.D.)

Fragm. of funerary inscription, possibly reused

Only a portion of the name of the deceased survives: Primitivus

9) ROSELLE – Roman Forum – Domus of the Mosaics

(Central decades 1stc. A.D.)

Inscription concerning a public work

The slab commemorates the same personalities as those mentioned in no.4, together with a third (?). They may have been responsible for construction or restoration of a temple (….] TEM [….].

10) ROSELLE – Roman Forum – Domus of the mosaics

(Central decades 1stc. A.D.)

Inscription concerning a public work

Two freedmen are commemorated as curatores of a public work, perhaps the domus itself transformed into a public thermal bath.

11) Molino Nuovo

(End 2nd– 3rd c. A.D.)

Funerary inscription

Aurelia Saturnina commemorates her husband Aelius Agripinus, died aged 46, with whom she had lived 19 years.

12) Pian di Mota

(2n c. A.D.)

Funerary inscription

Maternus commemorates his wife Naevia Victoria


(First half 1st c. A.D.)

Funerary inscription

Eubius Rusellanus commemorates his wife Eubia Smaragdis, freedwoman of Hermes Eubius, died aged 29. The cognomen Rusellanus may indicate that the mentioned people had recently immigrated to Roselle