The amphorae on display come from different spots within the urban area of Roselle. Some of them (no. 3, 4, 7) were found under the Forum pavement, reused as a filling, especially at the north-western end of the square.

Amphorae 2 and 9 come from the Basilica.

1 and 8. Lamboglia 2 amphora (2nd – mid 1st c. B.C.)

Container for transporting wine ascribable to Apulian or, more generally, to Adriatic production. Widespread from the Adriatic to the Black Sea and in the western Mediterranean (Etruria, Liguria, Gaul, Carthage).

2 and 9. Ostia LXI amphora (mid 1st– 2nd c. A.D.)

Container for transporting fish sauces, produced in Lusitania. Widespread throughout the Iberian peninsula, on the Tyrrhenian coast, and recorded in a number of shipwrecks in the western Mediterranean.

3, 4, 6, 7 e 11. Dressel 7 – 13 amphora (end 1st c. B.C. – 2nd c. A.D.)

Container for transporting fish sauces, produced along the southern coast of the Iberian Peninsula and widespread also in Italy.

5. Camulodunum 184 amphora (end 1st c. B.C. – beginning 2nd c. A.D.)

Container for transporting wine and, more rarely, figs, ascribable to Greek production probably located in Rhodes. Widespread in the Aegean, Cyrenaica, Italy and the western provinces.

10. Dressel 7 – 11/Beltràn I amphora (end 1st c. B.C. – 2nd c. A.D.)

Container for transporting fish sauces produced in the Iberian Peninsula. Widespread in all the western provinces.