ROSELLE – Roman Forum area –
Finds from Late Antique-Early Medieval contexts
(3rd – 7th c. A.D.)
Sigillata (red -slip ware) (4th – 7th c. A.D.)
1) African oil lamp with Christian monogram
2) Imitation of African oil lamp
Bronze (4th– 7th c. A.D.)
3) Bracelet
Terracotta (6th – 7thc. A.D.)
4) Spindle whorl
ROSELLE –Northern Hill
Bronze (5thc. A.D.)
5) Jug
ROSELLE – Slopes of the Northern Hill– Christian Cemetery (layers of reworked graves)
Pottery with drops of red glaze
6) Fragm. of jugs and dish
Bronze (3rd – 6th c. A.D.)
7) Piece from a belt, cloak fastening needle and pin
8) Votive hand
9) Fragm. of shield enarmes, stirrup and coin
10) Studs and nails for wooden trunks
11) Pin and small lid
ROSELLE – Slopes of the Northern Hill –
Christian Cemetery
Tomb SU 3514 (10th – 11th c. A.D. ?)
12) Bronze ring with bezel
Tomb SU 5045 (6th – 7th c. A.D.)
13) Bone comb, bronze bracelets, earthenware spindle whorl, glass paste necklace, amber and bronze
Tomb SU 1240 (7th c. A.D.)
14) Glazed spindle whorl
Tomb SU 5047 (7th c. A.D.)
15) Buckle and bronze coin
Tomb SU 1116 (6th – 7th c. A.D.)
16) Bronze pin and iron shoe buckle
Tomb SU 5055 (uncertain dating)
18) Iron ring with bezel
Tomb SU 5028 (6th – 7th c. A.D.)
19) Small bronze knives
Tomb SU 5051 (6th – 7th c. A.D.)
20) Fragm. of bracelet, small spatula and bronze coin
Tomb SU 5007 (6th – 7th c. A.D.)
21) Silver and bronze basket earrings, bronze cross brooch with iron nails, bone comb, coin
Tomb SU 5094 (6th – 7th c. A.D.)
22) Iron and bronze stud
Tomb SU 5087 (7th c. A.D.)
23) Bronze and glass paste noose earrings, bone comb
Tomb SU 1284 (second half 7th c. A.D.)
24) Sword (sax), iron embellishment of the sword-belt
decorated with silver and copper, small iron knife, iron
striker for flint, bronze pin from the sword sheath, iron
Finds from the abandonment phase of the cemetery
25) Jug handle (10th – 13th c. A.D.)
26) Coins (11th – 12th c. A.D.)