MARSILIANA D’ALBEGNA – Piani di Perazzeta –
Tumulo Brizzi (burial mound) (last quarter 7th -6th c. B.C.)
Greek-oriental pottery
1) Ointment jar shaped a human leg (550-540 B.C.)
2) Sanguisuga -type brooches (fibulae)
3) Bracelet (armilla)
4) File
5) Sanguisuga -type brooches (fibulae) with engraved plate
6) Sanguisuga -type brooch
MARSILIANA D’ALBEGNA – Macchiabuia necropolis, Tomb 1 (beginning 7th c. B.C.)
7) Steatite scaraboid with gold frame
8) Tubular and ring shaped necklace pieces
9) Braid clip with end part made of electrum
10) Navicella-type and rhomboid bow brooches (fibulae)
11) Bow brooches (fibulae) covered with amber disks
12) Necklaces pieces and pieces of brooch covering
MARSILIANA D’ALBEGNA – Macchiabuia necropolis –
Tomb 6 (last quarter 8th c. B.C.)
13) Dragon-type brooch (fibula)
Brown Impasto pottery
14) Carinated cup-shaped ladles (kyathoi) decorated with rope
15) Carinated bowl
16) Footed olla (pot) and foot of a olla
17) Bowls decorated with circle and concentric triangles pattern
18) Lid with with a knob-like grip
19) Drinking cup (kantharos) decorated with rope pattern
Outside the showcase
Macchiabuia man – Reconstruction of the facial features
and of the clothes of the inhumed found in tomb 6
(realized by Stefano Ricci and Floriano Cavanna)