Middle and upper shelf

Jugs and small dishes with linear decoration and black-glaze ones (5th – 4th c. B.C.)

lower shelf:

Michele Dragonetti Collection

Lower case

Large unpainted vases with sculptural decoration (end 5th –4th c. B.C.)

Upper and middle shelf . Italo-geometric pottery

Banquet and symposium vessels, produced mainly in Vulci and in its territory,
in imitation of Greek pottery with geometric decoration.
This production began as early as the 8
th century B.C., probably at the hands of

immigrated Greek artists, and continued into the following century with an increasingly stereotyped and repetitive style (‘metope style’).
On display in upper shelf are several ollae with geometric decoration of
“red on white” type, typical of the area of the middle Fiora tValley (Poggio Buco

and Pitigliano).

Lower shelf. Red-figure pottery

Main exhibits: red-figure krater and cup of Athenian production (500 – 450 B.C.)

red-figure stamnos and cup of Faliscan production (370 – 350 B.C.)