ROSELLE – Southern Hill – Temple terrace

Architectural terracottas (first half mid 4th c. B.C.)

1) Antefixes shaped as female head   

2) Nimbus

Attic red-figure pottery (mid 5thc. B.C.)

3) Bottom of a cup (kylix) with dedicatory inscription:

ARTMSL = to Artemis


ROSELLE – Southern Hill

Attic black-figure pottery (end 6th c. B.C.)

4) Fragm. of amphorae and cups (kylikes)

Attic red-figure pottery

(second half 5th – first half 4th c. B.C.)

5) Fragm. of bell krater

6) Fragm. of mugs (kantharoi) of the St. Valentin type

7) Fragm. of drinking cup with an owl (glaukes)

8) Bottom fragments of cups (kylikes)