ROSELLE – Southern Hill – Roman cistern

Architectural terracottas (3rd – 1st c. B.C.)

1) Fragm. of antefix shaped as Gorgon head

2) Fragm. of antefixes shaped as head of Hercules wearing the lion skin (leontè)

3) Small boar head

4) Fragm. of draped male figure

5) Small base shaped as an altar

ROSELLE – Southern Hill – Temple terrace

Architectural terracottas (2nd – 1st c. B.C.)

6) Fragm. of winged figure

7) Fragm. of a figure with cuirass (lorica)

8) Fragm. of chariot wheel

9) Fragm. of a figure riding a marine creature

10) Male head (demon?)

11) Hand grabbing the hilt of a sword