Room 11 – Out 21
museoMAAM2023-08-19T15:37:41+02:00ROSELLE (?) – Unknown finding spot (2nd c. A.D.) Marble Statuette of goddess Fortune, identifiable by the cornucopia she holds with her left arm.
ROSELLE (?) – Unknown finding spot (2nd c. A.D.) Marble Statuette of goddess Fortune, identifiable by the cornucopia she holds with her left arm.
ROSELLE – Roman Forum (1st - 2nd c. A.D.) Marble Fragment of floral frieze
ROSELLE – Roman Forum (1st - 2nd c. A.D.) Marble Griffon paw, perhaps used as supporting element of a bathtub
ROSELLE – Northern Hill (Imperial period) Marmo Winged sphinx, Roman copy from a Greek original dated to the 5th c. B.C.
ROSELLE – Northern Hill - Amphitheatre (1st - 2nd c. A.D.) Marble Supporting part of a table or bench (trapezòforo) shaped as a feline head
ROSELLE (?) – Unknown finding spot Marble Portrait head of a young boy, (Commodus ? 165 - 170 A.D.)
ROSELLE (?) – Unknown finding spot Marble Portrait head of Marcus Aurelius as a youth (about 140 A.D.)
ROSELLE (?) – Unknown finding spot (1st - 2nd c. A.D.) Marble Decorative element to be hung in spaces between columns (oscillum).
ROSELLE (?) – Unknown finding spot (2nd c. A.D.) Marble Statuette of Hercules fighting against the Lernaean Hydra
ROSELLE (?) – Unknown finding spot (2nd c. A.D.) Marble Statuette of god Silvanus, identifiable by the fruits and spikes he holds in his arms